Core card set

There are a total of 7 cards complete out of 360.

Percentage Complete:
Aldig the Sly1BlackLegend. Goblin with dagger.
Chryale Jacinth2BlackLegend. Courtesan. Black hair.
Vorin Falebourne3BlackLegend. Male Vampire.
Zicar4BlackLegend. Assassin.
Deceit7WIPBlackJanden Glyph
Bandit King10BlackGypsy like person with treasure horde
Privateer11BlackA pirate
Night Prowler12BlackA big cat like creature (lion, cougar)
Rancid Hag13Blackan old, toothless crone witch
Rapscallion14Blacka young vagabond
Saboteur15Blacka goblin with explosives
Mutineer16Blacka woman pirate leading a mutiny
Bitter Insurgent17Blackan angry peasant taking up arms
Master Spy18Blacka spy lurking in the darkness
Soothsayer19Blacka fortune teller/oracle
Illusionist20Blacka magician doing an illusion
Angered Townsfolk21Blackan angry mob with pitchforks and torches
Royal Assassin22Blackaction shot of a mysterious assassin
Nimble Charlatan23Blacka court jester doing acrobatics
Vulpine Imp24CompleteBlackJandena fox like imp with magical aura
Tenement Harlequin25Blacka poor, ragged, court jester
Enchantress26Blacka beautiful woman with magic
Grand Inquisitor27Blackevil looking religious figure in robes
Seductress28Blacka beautiful seductress
Highwayman29Blacka man attacking a carriage to rob it
Sorinar Courtesan30Blackbeautiful vampire woman
Gadonian Menace31Browngiant black and orange spider
Wolvina Cub32Browna young wolf like creature with bristles
Bog Wraith33Browna scary wraith in a foggy swamp
Irbian Stagbren34Browna deer like creature with big horns
Cunning Donation35Blacka devious guest presenting a mystery gift
Dark Mirror36Blacka mirror with a scary creature coming out of it
Devious Scheme37Blackseveral shady people plotting in secret
Entice38Blacka beautiful woman luring guards away from their post
Eternal Shame39Blackmedieval soldier kneeling in shame
Forged Orders40Blackmedieval soldier captain reading a scroll
Hideous Dream41Blacka terrified man in bed with a ghost above him
Infection42Blacka blighted man in pain with sores
Misinformation43Blacksoldiers running towards straw men
Petty Reap44Blacka soldier being pulled magically back through the gateway
Quid Pro Quo45BlackTwo enemies shaking hands
Ruthless Betrayal46Blacka soldier stabbing a comrade in the back
Sabotage47Blacka team of goblins blowing up enemy supplies
Shift48Blacksoldiers on the move
Sleeping Death49Blackan assassin raised sword over a sleeping person
Song of Sorrow50Blacka woman weeping over a fallen soldier
Turncoat51Blacka soldier fleeing his comrades
Unfavorable Winds52Blacka ship in a storm
Curiosity Cabinet53Blacka wooden cabinet with lots of potions and items
Elixir of Youth54Browna vial of magic potion
Elven Amber55Brownan orange gemstone, elaborate
Lullaby Fiddle56Browna gypsy woman playing the fiddle
Morvidian Basket57CompleteBrownJandena basket with a strange egg
Outlandish Tapestry58Browna colorful tapestry
Reltath’s Dagger59Brownan ornate dagger
Vinthish Boots60Browna pair of ornate elvish boots
Genther Stormloft61GreenLegend. Blonde male warrior in green armor
Jarl Ultar62GreenLegend. A red-haired warrior in green armor
Freya Leagard63GreenLegend. Blonde woman warrior in green armor
Mornem Halfhelm64GreenLegend. A viking like warrior
Dutiful Squire70Greena young kid handing a helmet to a knight
Enildu Knight71Greenepic knight in black and gold armor
Royal Guard72Greenroyal bodyguard knights
Jrel Warrior73Greencreature like a mix of wookie and werewolf/bigfoot with weapon
Linnish Lancer74Greenhuman in desert/Middle East style clothes with a long spear
Gravish Ballista75Greena ballista machine in action
Vile Executioner76Greenintimidating executioner about to execute someone
Reninar Elf Ranger77Greenwood elf with bow and arrow tracking
Letanian Infantry78Greeninfantry soldiers in dark blue uniforms
Chainmaster79Greena warrior doing battle with chains
Vigilant Scout80Greena medieval scout
Peasant Cabal81Greena group of peasant fighters
Brawler82Greena burly man fighting in a tavern
Insolent Fencer83Greena young noble looking cocky holding fencing foil
Crazed Barbarian84Greenenraged viking like man on the rampage
Boom Slinger85Greentroll throwing large explosive balls
Arena Star86Greena victorious gladiator in an arena
Gruenish Caval87Greenknights in green armor on horseback
Highland Giant88Greena giant of the hills
New Recruits89Greena group of young boys training
Euthid Death Angel90Greena winged valkyrie like woman with a sword
Brenyen Bull91Browna charging bull like creature
Sandhorn Lizard92Browna horned desert lizard
Spotted Pagga93Browna spotted cat creature like a cougar
Terotaur94WIPBrownJandena pterosaur like creature
Ambush95Greensoldiers lying in wait to ambush
Ardent Speech96Greena captain giving a speech to motivate soldiers
Battle Cry97Greena warrior screaming
Blood Lust98Greena warrior covered in blood enraged
Critical Hit99Greena dead warrior with an arrow through the eye
Iron Spirit100Greena soldier charging forth with a flag
Last Stand101Greena lone soldier making a last stand
Legend’s Valor102Greena knight being bathed in light
Merrymaker’s Mirth103Greena happy man holding up a tankard in a tavern
Rapid Fire104Greenan archer firing arrows
Reinforcements105Greenan army above a battlefield of bodies on a hilltop
River of Blood106Greena river of blood and dead bodies
War Trophy107Greena warrior looting a dead body of gold
Aegis of Aery108Brownan elaborate shield
Bow of the Elinar109Brownan elaborate elven bow
Bronze Shield110Brownan elaborate bronze shield
Destic Helm111Brownan elaborate helmet
Elven Andesine112Browna red gemstone, elaborate
Forgotten Totem113Browna carved wooden totem
Gilded Spurs114Brownelaborate spurs
Horn of Iylor115Browna man blowing a battle horn
Ice Blade116Browna blade made of ice
Ildori Mace117Brownan elaborate mace
Medicinal Tonic118Browngreen elixir vial
Tranquil Flute119Browna satyr playing a flute in a lush glen
Vernal Fountain120Browna fountain in a lush waterfall area
Diradril I’Morin121BlueLegend. A woman shaman with magic
Vramul122BlueLegend. an old man in monk robe with magic
Uctis the Blue123BlueLegend. Dark skinned man in religious attire with magic
Prina the Seer124BlueLegend. Woman oracle
Paladin130Bluea warrior knight with healing magic
Ardent Disciple131Bluea praying monk
Blind Seer132Bluea blind oracle
Dragoon Vanguard133Bluea dragoon
Druid of the Moors134Bluea druid creature that guards the misty swamp
Dathid Witch Daector135Bluea shaman like man, maybe tribal
Eager Martyr136Bluea person about to be burned at the stake, serene look
Errodi Healer137Bluehumanoid creature healing magic
Cleric138Bluea cleric
Cardinal Calaran139Bluea religious cardinal like person
Lone Monk140Bluea solitary monk fighting with a staff
Fervid Crusader141Bluea warrior in blue uniform fighting zealously
Huddled Masses142Bluea mass of people getting warm together
Catican Bishop143Bluea bishop
Steadfast Guardian144Bluea knight in silver armor posting sentry
Priestess of the Venes145Bluea powerful priestess with magic
Archangel146Bluea flying woman angel with sword or spear
Shaman147Bluea tribal shaman
The Vanquished148Bluea group of battered soldiers
Relic Master149Bluea monk surrounded by relics
Bhrodon, Saent of Rul150Bluea legendary looking warrior man
Oco Vulture151Browna giant vulture like bird
Gydat Ram152Browna ram like creature charging
Siradyl Frog153Browna giant frog creature
Sand Viper154Browna desert snake attacking
Angelic Intervention155Bluean angel aiding the battle
Anointed156Bluea warrior bathed in light
Blinding Light157Bluesoldiers shying away from bright light
Crusade158Bluesoldiers doing battle
Destiny Vision159Bluea soldier having a vision of glory
Forced Retreat160Bluesoldiers fleeing
Hour of Atonement161Bluea meteor shower over a battlefield
Last Rite162Bluea monk praying for a wounded soldier
Moonstrike163Blueblue magic at night as if from the moon
Offset Victory164Bluesoldiers cheering in triumph
Paralysis165Bluea warrior scared, bound by magic
Smite166Bluea lightning striking a battlefield
Stay167Bluesoldier shying away from magic
Assassin Tine168Browna fork like weapon
Cathedral Coffers169Browna treasure chest overflowing?
Ebony Scepter170Browna black wood scepter with a black orb
Elven Emerald171Brownelaborate green gemstone
Finro’s Prize172Browncloseup of a man wearing an elaborate laurel wreath or something
Looter’s Purse173Brownsomeone running with gold falling out of their purse
Murder Hole174Brownan archer firing through a murder hole
Ranger Salve175Browna ranger making an ointment?
Redemption Vial176Browna vial of magic fluid (orange?)
Saent Nelo’s Pike177Browna warrior with a pike
Saladan Amulaet178Brownan amulet
Ubran’s Razor179Brownsome type of strange razor or blade
Zurian Timepiece180Brownan alien looking mechanical clock
Maucus181OrangeLegend. Middle Eastern looking guy with falcon
Evera the Wild182CompleteOrangeJandenLegend. Tribal warrior woman
Knuti of Errod183OrangeAn Errodi warrior
Witta Clawmaster184Orangea female warrior, Errodi
Waste Scorpion190Orangea giant scorpion
Turf Leech191Orangearm-sized leeches attacking a person on land
Plains Cat192Orangea puma like cat
Atlican Ram193Orangea charging ram
Rock Worm194Orangehuge worm, similar to Dune (how to make different)
Sand Giant195Orangea desert giant
Barrow Wight196Orangea wight in a misty barrow
Hill Shepherd197Orangea shepherd fighting off wild wolves
Gom-glomerran198WIPOrangeJandena scary ghost-like creature
Oakfoot Troll199Orangea large troll in the woods
Shade Dragon200Orangea flying dragon, black with dark smoke, as if made of shadow
Errodi Tracker201Orangean Errodi bush tracker
Trefolk Warden202Orangean imposing tree creature like an ent
Young Stagbren203Orangea juvenile stag creature (see stagbren)
Elder Jrel204Orangea mature jrel warrior with greying fur (see jrel warrior)
Goblin Chieftain205Orangea goblin chieftain in action
Maeinar Moontreader206Orangea dark-skinned elf with white hair, shimmering in a full moon
Minotaur207Orangea minotaur in action
Ranat Cave Bear208Orangea giant cave bear in action
Wolvina Sire209Orangea mature wolvina with bristles
Ramodon Charger210Orangea giant ram like creature (dinosaur size)
Espitris211Orangea large eagle like bird
Meathian Vine212Orangesomeone trapped in sentient vines, terrified?
Plains Cleftfoot213Orangea strange goat-like creature (cloven hoof)
Widehart214Orangea deer-like creature, extra wide horns?
Call of the Wild216
Flawless Spring219
Gloaming Mist220
Hallowed Ground221
Mythic Storm223
Oath of the Crucible224
Reclamation225CompleteOrangeJandenskull with flowers
Song of Tooth and Claw227
Tracker’s Instinct229
Urgent Assembly230
Eltrian Device232
Elven Onyx233
Errodi Box234
Foolsbane Unction235
Heirloom of the Ancients236
Keenblade Whetstone237
Lightborne Cloak238
Oxbone Shard239
Silver Key240
Roveston Underlake241Red
Cadena Halegard243
Dwarven Fighter250
Enildu Skirmisher251
Attawa Tribesman253
Dwarven Axer256
Toothless Mongrel257
Raving Alchemist259
Dwarven Elite260
Grizzled Mariner261
Hole Giant263
Linnish Falconer264
Steel Golem269
Celorix, Orgis Wyvern270CompleteRedJandena dragon
Dwarven Beetle Drone271
Stoneback Rhino274
Endemic Refuge278CompleteRedJandenEgg with child inside
Pit of Pain281
Precision Strike282
Smoke Screen285
War Machine286
Animo Spider287
Archiver’s Key288
Ardent Brooch289
Crossroads Gibbet291
Demonglass Shard292
Elven Amethyst293
Fell Hook294
Gruenish Javelin295
Guard Tower296
Ildori Mail297
Jolth Idol298
Naldreg’s Table299
Steel Golem300
Tertiara Ryn301Purple
Kesick the Stormbringer303
The Returned311
Luinar Elf Mercenary313
Goblin Fodder314
Dark Ogre315
Spinetooth Rider316
River Troll317
Sorinar Patrician318
Phantom Raider320
Vor Harvester321CompletePurpleJandeneerie creature
Fire Daemon322
Wayward Sorcerer323
Night Watchman324
Plague Spreader325
Draol Vormonger327
Ice Witch328
Crypt Spider329
Count Thropo330
Oco Dragonfly331
Cave Crawler332
Crypt Rat333
Blast Radius336
Desecrated Grounds339
Luinar Curse343
Morvidian Twin345
Prodigal One347
Soul Corrosion349
Soul Reap350
Chalice of the Reor353
Cloud Ring354
Elven Sapphire355
Gravestone of Armaton356
Keldra Wishstone357
Lore Forge358
Rescinding Lyre359
Scorcher Lash360